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All the modules so far have helped me with the process to see what my future holds and what I am going to study moving forward. Understanding my path towards completing my degree is something that this class has helped me alot in. I wrote that I needed to plan my schedule accoridngly so that my work schedule and school schedule can line up correnctly. I have figured out a good routuine to find a good balance for sudying, working and going to school. By taking the required classes that complete the various requirements and getting all the necessary sections of the major is going to prepell me forward to graduate and get a job. Understanding how each of the Natural Sciences,Social Sciences, Art, Humanties classes are going to help in pursing my major aswell has helped me alot in motivating me to do well. This class has very much helped me in finding a new perspective into propelling my studies and gaining a new prospective on my major.

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