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Laboratory Reports


Below are two example laboratory reports that I independently wrote while enrolled in General Biology Laboratory II.


Description: During the Apoptosis lab, my group investigated...

 Apoptosis Laboratory Report.pdf


Description: During the Cell Communication lab, my group investigated...

Cell Communication Laboratory Report.pdf

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Poster Presentation


At the Departmental Poster Session, my group presented a poster entitled...


This study was about...


In completing this project, I developed my abilities in the following Quinnipiac University Essential Learning Outcomes...

(See website containing all ELOs http://www.quinnipiac.edu/academics/undergraduate-studies/learning-paradigm/)


These outcomes are important to my learning within science because...


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Final Written Reflection on Scientific Writing


At the end of the semester, I reflected upon...


I discovered that I specifically developed compentencies in the following ELOs by...


Please view my reflection below.



Final Written Reflection.pdf

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